Sometimes a situation can be perceived one way and be totally different from that perception. That can happen often, especially via social media. Sometimes a picture or video can be shared that attempts to bring awareness to a potential threatening situation that in reality is not a threat. One morning there was another such incident. A woman posted a picture of a male who rang her bell early in the morning. After posting the picture it was discovered that the young man was in fact a neighbor who was trying to return a wallet he found on the street. When the homeowner didn't answer the young man left the wallet in the mailbox. The picture wasn't taken down until the young man's family recognized him and commented. Thankfully the picture was only up a short time before the situation was clarified. This incident will hopefully remind us all to #ThinkBeforeYouClick #DigitalFootprints #Perception #SeeingIsNotAlwaysBelieving I shared about similar incident back in October 2017 PERCEPTION Sometimes a situation can be perceived one way and be totally different from that perception. That can happen often, especially via social media. Often times a picture or video can be shared that attempts to bring awareness to a potential harmful situation. Another incident that happened about 2 years ago. A post was circulating of a utility worker that was perceived as an imposter potentially trying to gain access to a senior citizen's home. Unfortunately, that worker was not in uniform and was driving a personal vehicle. The post was shared numerous times. I passed the information on to the utility company and it was determined the individual was an employee. That utility employee had began to receive threats due to the misidentification. This unfortunate incident did have a positive result though. The utility company reiterated their uniform and identification policy to all their employees in an effort to prevent any further misidentification. That effort protects both customers and the employees. This is just one example of how something can be perceived as something it is not.
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